The Swanlinbar Kildallon Group of Parishes in the Church of Ireland Kilmore Diocese. Corrawallen Kildallon Kinawley Newtowngore Swanlinbar Templeport Tomregan

Home page
Newsletter No 73 December 2013
Weekly Notices
Breffni Services
Quick links - Find your way quickly to:
Vestry Meetings
Big Red Bus is Back
Nativity Service in Tomregan Church
Tomregan Dances
Mothers Union
Senior’s New Year Night Out
New Facebook Page
GFS Enrolment
Open House
School Christmas Carol Service
Newtowngore Sale
Prayer Points
Tomregan Whist

Bawnboy Ecumenical Memorial Service

Kildalolon Bazaar
Service schedule
Letter from Beryl
Joshua Bell - Missed Wonder
Sailor's Son
Previous Newsletters

Thank You All

Church of Ireland Cross

Christmas treeNativityMay I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their very warm welcome to me as the Bishop’s Curate in the Swanlinbar -Kildallon Group. As I have negotiated the many highways and byways in this lovely part of the country it has been a real joy to meet people in their homes and I look forward to visiting many more. Thank you to all those who have helped in giving directions and pointed out where people live. A special note of appreciation goes to Captain Richard for his gracious help and support over the last three months as I have embarked on a new and exciting ministry.

This season of Advent in the Church calendar reminds us of the coming of Jesus Christ as a baby and exhorts us to be prepared for his second coming. His birth as a babe in Bethlehem fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies and was God’s ultimate giving of Himself to a creation so loved and yet so lost. This reminds me of a story of a father and son walking in the woods together. By and by they came across some ants working furiously to clear a path.Warm Fire Three wise menThe ants were scurrying here and there trying desperately to remove an obstacle and provide a clear passageway. Despite working hard, both as individuals and as a team, the obstacle remained steadfast. The father and son watched for a long time in silence. Finally the boy looked at his dad and said, “I wish I could help the ants.” However, his father urged him not to approach them since his presence would scare the ants and make them retreat. After some reflection the son said “In that case, Dad, the only way I can help them is to become an ant myself. Then I could help them.”

This story reminds us of how Jesus left a place of authority and power to come and be like us. He did it to remove the obstacle of sin and to clear the path back to God. In this season of Advent we all need to examine our hearts and consider our response.

Swanlinbar rectoryBy the time you read this Stephanie and I will be making use of the wonderful rectory in Swanlinbar. We would like to thank all those who worked so hard to make it such a pleasant and comfortable place to live. As a small mark of our appreciation and as a means to get to know you better we would love to welcome you all to the Rectory for some food on Friday 20th December at 8:00 pm. Please bring along a dessert if you have a sweet tooth. John and Stephanie Woods

Finally, may we take this opportunity to wish everyone an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and may 2014 be a year filled with renewal and growth for us all.

Every Blessing

Reverend Stephanie & Reverend John





Christmas Eve     Bells ringing     Bells ringing

Be a Wise Man

Christmas tree        6 pm in
Tomregan Church


3 wise men

NativityKingOnce again this year we will have our special Christmas Nativity service for all Ages on Christmas Eve. This is a very family orientated service celebrating the wonder of the New born King right at Christmas itself. Using songs and drama we will share the story of Christ’s coming, with you the congregation joining in the nativity. It was great having it in previous years and I again encourage families to come along if you possibly can.
In a really informal fun way please come to join the story. If at all possible come with costumes on, or to put on. Come as angels, shepherds, kings - you know the sort of thing! This year we especially need kings and servants. It needn’t be anything elaborate. We ask families to come willing to participate as the congregation join the story around the church. It’s a wonderful way for children and adults to enter the story on this special night. Join us and plant a Christ memory at the heart of Christmas itself.
Even if you can’t dress up please come! It's a service that adds greatly to our Christmas memories, helping put Jesus Christ our Lord at it’s heart. Hope to see you there..

Three wise men





Breffni Health CentreChristmas treeBreffni Holy Communion Service

ChalisOur Breffni Christmas service of Holy Communion will be led by Rev John and will be at 2pm on Christmas Eve 24th December. Visitors are always welcome to join us.
The January Service will be on Tuesday 28th.




Autumn Vestries

The Vestry meetings in the New Year will be held on the following dates at 8pm with a Vestry members Group meeting in February in Tomregan hall.Vestry Meeting

Date Vestry
Tuesday 7th January
Wednesday 8th January
Wednesday 15th January
Thursday 16th January
Wednesday 29th January
Tuesday 4th February
Vestry members Group meeting )




Senior’s New Year Night Out

partysenior citizens partyOur Senior Citizen’s dinner will take place on Saturday 18th January in Ballyconnell Parish Hall between 5.30 and 9.30pm. It would be great if many of our senior citizens from the whole of the group could come along. Transport will be provided for anyone that needs it and the whole evening will be free.
If you would like to help support our Seniors dinner here are some very practical ways:
Come to a meeting on Thursday 2nd January at 7.30pm in Ballyconnell hall kitchen to plan the great event!
You might provide some of the goodies required – crackers to dress the table, chocolates or toiletries to be given as a gift on the day, after dinner mints to go with tea and coffee.
You might offer your car on the day to bring folk to the dinner, home from dinner or both!
Come along to the dance after the meal from 7pm. This is open to all parishioners young and older!
Please help us make it a super night out!




DancingTomregan Dances

sandwichMany thanks to all who have been coming along to enjoy the craic and dancing in Tomregan hall each month. The next dance is on 13th December with Music by Vincie Carr & Alan McGrory.




DancingOpen House

Rev John will be having an open house in Swanlinbar Rectory on Friday 20th December from 8pm. Please feel welcome to drop by for some Christmas fun and food.





Thinking Christmas Thoughts

stockingStockingLarge Stocking?

Christmas is too large to be tucked away in the toe of a Child's stocking.
Christ comes!!!





Big Red BusSchool Christmas Carol Service

Ballyconnell Central School will be having a special school carol service on Friday 13th December at 12 noon in Tomregan Parish Church. Families and parishioners are most welcome. The School will also be doing their concert in the hall after the service. Following custom they will be visiting the Breffni residents on Tuesday 17th December. We are delighted that once again children from Newtowngore School will be taking part in the Newtowngore carol service at 3pm on Sunday 15th December.




Mothers Union logoMothers Union


Mothers Union knitting and crochet nights The Christmas dinner will be held next Tuesday, 10th December at 7.30pm in the Seven Horse Shoes, Belturbet. Members are joining with Killeshandra Branch and all attending are asked to bring a small gift worth €5. Bookings can still be made so if you would like to attend please get in touch with Linda Lovett as soon as possible on telephone number: 049 9523332.

MU Knitting and crochet nights

On the right are a couple of photos from the knitting and crochet nights which are now held on Monday nights in the Minor Hall, Kinawley between 8 and 10pm. Anyone interested in learning a new skill or completing some unfinished work is very welcome to attend, there is no official instructor but help is available from experienced knitters and a cup of tea is also available.




Another Christmas Thought

xmasMany people think that's its wrong to call Christmas 'Xmas'. 'It's like taking Christ away from Christmas!' they say. It's a reflection of the way Christmas has become separated from the birthday of Jesus Christ. But let's think about it another way. When I receive a letter with a row of Xs at the bottom, it tells me that the sender loves me very much. When we see Christmas written 'Xmas' it can remind us that God loves us so much that he sent his own Son to tell us. So Xmas starts with a big kiss to remind us of God's great love. And of course an X is also a cross and Jesus' love took him all the way from the stable to the cross.

Judith Merrell




BazaarKildallon Bazaar

Thank you once again to all who helped once again in the late hours with the Kildallon Bazaar and to those who came along to support. The latest figure for the amount raised is €4025. Thank you.




Playing cardsTomregan Whist

Tomregan Parish Christmas whist drive on Thursday 12th December at 8.30pm. Parishioners are asked to donate gifts towards the Christmas Hamper, which can be left with Joan Breidan.




Facebook 'Please Like Us'Please ‘like’ our Facebook Page

Many churches look quite enviously at our church website. Communication is really important and with that in mind we have set up a Facebook page. In our multimedia age of communication this is simply another means of communicating and getting information and news out. If you have a Facebook account and would like to benefit from this please ‘like’ our Facebook page, It can be found at “Swanlinbar Kildallon Church of Ireland Group of Parishes”.





Templeport Development Association 2014 Calendar salesTempleport Development Association header

Templeport Development Association Calendar front coverThe Templeport Development Association have published their 2014 Calendar which this year is to support SOSAD (Save Our Sons And Daughters) the charity which supports families and others affected by suicide. They also have counselling services for depressed people. All their workers are volunteers and they receive no support from any government agencies. Please help them and buy a Calendar or two if you see them on sale. They are only €5 and should be found in the shops in Ballyconnell and Bawnboy!





Bring and BuyNewtowngore Sale of Work

It was great to see Newtowngore hall thronged with people for the annual sale of work. Thank you all who came along, brought stuff, played games and drank tea! A year has passed since the hall reopened and a busy night is a great reminder of the great benefit of the refurbishment. The evening raised €4776.53.




Big Red Bus Project

OM Christmas Show - Puppets Have a Great Time!

Operation MobilisationIt’s so important children get to understand something of the real story of Christmas. We cannot take it for granted any more. We are therefore delighted that Operation Mobilisation and the Big Red Bus Team will be visiting local schools this month (Wednesday 11th –Friday 13th) to do their 45min Christmas puppet show seeking to share the Christian message in a wonderfully fun and visual way. We have managed to organise them visiting Ballyconnell Central School, Newtowngore, Kildallon, Greaghrathan, Killeshandra and Drumeela.

Big Red BusLast year the team also visited Swanlinbar, Kinawley and Florencecourt. Time has not permitted this to happen this year so ‘Kinawley Churches Together’ have arranged a special showing. This will take place in Kinawley Community Centre on Friday 20th at 6.30pm and families will be invited through the local schools.

Pass the ParcelThe OM team are also thrilled to learn that their puppet show will be broadcast on RTE 1 television on Sunday 22nd December!

On the Right are some photos of last year's fun.



Ecumenical Memorial Service in BawnboyEcumenical Memorial Service in Bawnboy

A number of Templeport parishioners, members of Ballyconnell Central School joined the Bawnboy Community for a special service of remembrance for all those who had died in the Bawnboy Workhouse between 1853 when it opened and 1921 when it closed. .

Ecumenical Memorial Service in BawnboyClergy from the Church of Ireland, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist churches all took part along with many members of the local community and local schools. A scroll contains the names of 1079 buried within the workhouse while those who died between 1853 and 1864 before records were gathered and those buried outside the workhouse grounds were also remembered.

There are lots more photographs at:




Sustentation / Free will offerings

Moneycoins in to collection purseWe value enormously the generous giving of all our parishioners and friends in the different parishes within our group. Quite simply without this the work of the church would not be possible. We are very aware that this is a difficult time financially for many, and as a church we too face the challenge of needing to increase our giving. As every year, may we gently encourage people to ensure that offerings are with the parish treasurers by the Sunday before Christmas (22nd December). This will give opportunity for the treasurers to bank your gifts before the end of the financial year, ie 31st December. This will enable us to produce a set of accounts based on the balance in the account at that date.
Once again may we publicly share our appreciation of the work of our various money counters, recorders and the parish treasurers, and would ask you to get your gifts to them rather than them having to come to you, a task that is difficult, time consuming and embarrassing for all concerned. Unfortunately, if your gift has not been banked by 31st December then it will not appear in the 2013 accounts. This is in accordance with recent charities legislation that tightens our record procedures.
Thank you all for your generosity in giving to the ongoing life of the Church.




Letter from Beryl

Casilla 1124,
4th November 2013

Dear Praying Friends,

The theme of the 'Every Day With Jesus' Bible notes for last month was "Worship"
Psalm 34 is a wonderful inspiration as to what our constant mind set should be,
Beryl BakerI will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praises.
Praise and thanks to the Lord for all the wonderful rain that has fallen in the Chaco alleviating many communities of many months of drought and hardship.
The wonder of the Lord's creation is ever present but even more so now that everywhere is green and beautiful. The frog and toad concerts in the evenings have started again after several years of silence. Hopefully this means the amphibian population is on the increase again after world surveys showed a dramatic decline.
Praise for the money to pay off all the current bills for medicines. A big thank you to all the churches and friends who make this possible.
Praise for the good recovery of Maruca Ruiz at Sombrero Piri after a stroke left her without the use of her right hand arm and leg. Praise for Sharon McCreery's on going recovery from the cerebral vascular incident that left her almost dead. She is now in the States with her sister. Please pray for her sister who is caring for her.
The longer evenings and scorching afternoons mean working hours start earlier and end later leaving a break in the middle to avoid the worst of the heat.
Early days to see how the new government will handle the Chaco Health programme. All I can say is that on my last visit to the Regional Health authorities all was doom and gloom and one of the lady doctors and the obstetrician were actually in my arms crying!!
The people at the next door ranch are going through hard times - Indians and non-Indians alike. Please pray that they will turn 100% to Jesus for help in their time of trouble.
Being realistic about the future and the present means I have to move all the cats, dogs and tortoises from Asuncion to the ranch as the next door neighbours are again throwing poison over the wall and Ana who looks after the house and the animals is 5 months pregnant. As I planned to move the animals out Ana rescued three tortoiseshell kittens that were being swept away by rapidly flowing water in the road during the last heavy rain. Please pray for new homes for them urgently.
Please pray, too for Ana and her husband Jorvy as they prepare for the baby and I need wisdom as to whether I sell the house in Asunción or not. If, when and how.
Just to keep everyone happy, I now have some medical insurance in Paraguay which I guess is the sensible thing to do no matter how old or young you are but equally my trust for health is in the Lord.
Preaching at St. Matthew's church Rio Verde regularly is an enjoyable challenge and praise the Lord the congregation is growing.
To leave you with a word from the Lord for myself and for you. Psalm 138: 8a "The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for his faithful love endures forever and the words from one of my favourite country and western gospel songs "One day at a time, sweet Jesus."

Lots of love and prayers,




The Sailor Who Gave Up His Son's Life To Save His Son's Friend

Sailing Ship in stormAfter a few of the usual Sunday evening hymns, the church's pastor slowly stood up, walked over to the pulpit and, before he gave his sermon for the evening, briefly introduced a guest minister who was in the service that evening. In the introduction, the pastor told the congregation that the guest minister was one of his dearest childhood friends and that he wanted him to have a few moments to greet the church and share whatever he felt would be appropriate for the service.
With that, an elderly man stepped up to the pulpit and began to speak.
"A father, his son, and a friend of his son were sailing off the pacific coast," he began, "when a fast approaching storm blocked any attempt to get back to the shore. The waves were so high, that even though the father was an experienced sailor, he could not keep the boat upright and the three were swept into the ocean as the boat capsized."
The old man hesitated for a moment, making eye contact with two teenagers who were, for the first time since the service began, looking somewhat interested in his story. The aged minister continued with his story, "grabbing a rescue line, the father had to make the most excruciating decision of his life: to which boy he would throw the other end of the life line. He only had seconds to make the decision. The father knew that his son was a Christian and he also knew that his son's friend was not. The agony of his decision could not be matched by the torrent of waves. As the father yelled out, "I love you, son!" He threw out the life line to his son's friend. By the time the father had pulled the friend back to the capsized boat, his son had disappeared beneath the raging swells into the black of night . . . His body was never recovered.
By this time, the two teenagers were sitting up straight in the pew, anxiously waiting for the next words to come out of the old minister's mouth.
"The father," he continued, "knew his son would step into eternity with Jesus and he could not bear the thought of his son's friend stepping into an eternity without Jesus. Therefore, he sacrificed his son to save the son's friend. How great is the love of God that he should do the same for us. Our heavenly father sacrificed his only begotten son that we could be saved. I urge you to accept his offer to rescue you and take a hold of the life line he is throwing out to you in this service."
. . . With that, the old man turned and sat back down in his chair as silence filled the room.
The pastor again walked slowly to the pulpit and delivered a brief sermon with an invitation at the end. However, no one responded to the appeal. Within minutes after the service ended, the two teenagers were at the old man's side. "That was a nice story," politely stated one of the boys, "but I don't think it was very realistic for a father to give up his only son's life in hopes that the other boy would become a Christian."
"Well, you've got a point there," the old man replied, glancing down at his worn bible. A big smile broadened his narrow face, he once again looked up at the boys and said, "it sure isn't very realistic, is it? But, I'm standing here today to tell you that story gives me a glimpse of what it must have been like for God to give up his son for me. You see --- I was that father and your pastor is my
son's friend."





DancingGFS logoGFS Enrolment

Our GFS enrolment service was held this year in Newtowngore.

In the service Rev John showed us a German helmet as we thought about Remembrance. The children sang and we were delighted to welcome three new girls to the GFS
GFS enrolment 2013
May we take this opportunity to thank Jackie and her team for all their sterling work through the year with the girls. It is so appreciated.

Photos by Jennifer Richardson




BibleA Special Christmas Gift

All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God. 2 Timothy 3:16

Young Timothy was planning to give his grandmother a Bible for Christmas. He wanted to write something special on the flyleaf but wasn't sure what to say. He decided to copy what he had seen in a book his father had received from a friend. Christmas morning came and Grandmother opened her gift. She was not only pleased to receive the Bible but she was also amused by the inscription . . . .“To Grandma with compliments of the author.”

Knowing who wrote a book often determines whether we will pick it up and read it. The Bible .. not only ought to be read, but it also demands our respect, our trust, and our obedience. It comes 'with compliments of the author..




Joshua Bell – Missed Wonder

BazaarAt 7.51 am on a cold January morning at the Metro Station in Washington D.C. a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap started to play the violin. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Three minutes went by before anyone stopped. The 64th person to pass, a middle aged man, slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule. A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the open violin case and without stopping continued to walk.
A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but then looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed on, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
The violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
The aim of the experiment? In a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?
In the busyness of this season, the story reminds us to be watchful, that we don’t miss out on the most precious moment. It’s an incredible event filled with wonder, Christ’s coming! His coming was missed by most of the world 2000 years ago, the same can happen today.
Sometimes we are told that Christmas is for the children, sometimes we are told Christmas is all about family, sometimes we can find ourselves caught in the great Santa shopping race. Christmas can include all those things but let’s keep watchful. Let’s ensure we hold on to the most marvellous part of Christmas. It is perhaps beyond words that God himself would make himself so vulnerable, risking everything for us. Let's pause and wonder.
Leave Christ out of Christmas and we have in effect a Christmas that is only for ‘those who have’ in this world. Many struggle at Christmas, through hardship and sorrow. Christ born in poverty comes for all.
May your Christmas be full. May it be joyful, graceful and peace filled. Whatever our circumstances, may we discover new depths of richness found only in Christ.





How about a Smile?

God’s Word Overcomes
A student was sitting outside his university classroom, reading God's Word, when his atheistic professor walked by and happened to hear the student exclaim, "Wow! Praise the Lord!" Intrigued, the professor asked the student what had him so excited. "Well," the student replied, "I just read how God parted the waters of the Red Sea so the Hebrews could pass to safety." Red Sea CrossingThe professor calmly explained that in actuality there was a mistranslation and the Red Sea where the crossing actually took place was, at that time of year, only about three inches deep. Confident he had handled the situation, the professor went to retrieve something from his office. Upon his return a minute or two later, he again passes the student as once more he loudly exclaims, "Wow! Praise the Lord!" Interested, the professor asks the student what is so fascinating this time. The student responds, "I just read how God drowned the entire Egyptian army in three inches of water!"

LoudspeakersNew Sound System
The pastor happily told his congregation about the church's new public address system. He explained that the microphone and wiring were paid for with church funds. Then he added, "The loudspeakers were donated by a member of our congregation in memory of his wife."




Church of Ireland Cross     Prayer Points for December and January     Church of Ireland Cross

Let us continue to listen to God in prayer and develop a daily routine of praying for the following on the day of the week indicated;
In light of a season of thanksgiving let us give thanks to God;

Sunday: Give thanks To God. Praise him for his help through the past year. Thank him for the joys and his help and healing in times of trouble and suffering;
Monday: Pray for the coming year for our own relationship with Jesus. May we grow in knowing what it is to abide in his presence and seek his face;
Tuesday: For all those less fortunate than us, those who are hungry, cold and have no homes to go to at Christmas, – that God would comfort and sustain them;
Wednesday: For peace in Syria, and all of the Middle East and all other parts of the world where conflict continues;
Thursday: Pray for the visiting Big Red Bus team as they share the Christmas story through puppetry with local schools and families;
Friday: Pray that we would see new works of healing in the coming year, healing of relationships, healing of hearts, healing of emotions, healing of physical pain. We pray for Christ’s renewing;
Saturday: Pray for those feeling the pain of bereavement. May they know God’s peace and encouragement especially at Christmas time. Fill our lives with the hope of heaven;

C of I Cross Continue to thank God for so many bounties and gifts as you look around. C of I Cross




C of I Cross<empty>Schedule of Church Services until the end of January<empty>C of I Cross






Thursday 12th December



Community Carol Service


Sunday 15th December



Holy Communion

Rev John











Carol Service

Rev John



Carol Service

Rev John

Sunday 22nd December



Lessons and Carols




Lessons and Carols

Rev John



Lessons and Carols




Lessons and Carols

Rev John

Christmas Eve
Tuesday 24th December



Holy Communion

Rev John



Family Nativity




Holy Communion

John & Richard

9.30 pm


Holy Communion

John & Richard



Holy Communion

John & Richard

Christmas Day
25th December



Holy Communion

John & Richard



Holy Communion

John & Richard

Sunday 29th December






Kildallon (changed)



Sunday 5th January
Christmas 2



Holy Communion








Holy Communion




MP 2

To be Arranged

12 noon




Sunday 12th January
Epiphany 1



Service of Word




MP 2




Family Communion




Service of Word


Sunday 19th January
Epiphany 2



MP 2




To be Arranged

To be Arranged












To be Arranged

Sunday 26th January
Epiphany 3











Service of Word

Richard / Bishop



Holy Communion


Tuesday 28th January



Holy Communion


e & oe   

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